Vacation You Didn't Want to End

Snowy Scene at the Farm Makes for a Real Winter Post Card
I've been back in Singapore just exactly one week since returning from my vacation back home to Oregon over the Christmas and New Years holidays. It was so great being back home to see family, friends, and co-workers after being away for almost 7 months. I was really worried that the winter weather was going to be a hard thing to re-adjust to, but I fell quickly back into the Northwest lifestyle and really enjoyed wearing coats, gloves, long-sleeve pullovers, and real cold weather clothing. I also loved being able to drive my car again. Funny how you never miss those things that you take for granted until you are deprived of them.
I spent several days of my holiday vacation at my parents' farm in Central Oregon. It made for a wonderful post card setting thanks to fresh snow that fell almost daily. I love snow anytime, but obviously this snow was special after spending more than half the year living less than 75 miles from the equator.
I enjoyed seeing my friends Jonathan, Nicole, Tim, and Jodi as we got together and had some warm soup and conversation. Little Ethan has gotten so much bigger and new arrival Alex is the center of attention. Was also able to hang out with Keiko and Marina. Keiko was able to hook me up with some more Dry Fit clothing from the employee store at Nike, which is perfect for the tropical climate of Singapore. Marina and I caught a couple of flicks and watched the season premier of Alias, which reaffirmed that I have missed out on absolutely nothing in almost 7 months without watching TV. My friends Rose and Kevin were the first that I called when I returned home. Thanks to Kevin for taking a day off so that we could go watch a movie together (er... scene investigation). Rose looked amazing as she has been training for her first walking marathon since I left for Singapore. She, Kevin, her mom, and the kids were going to fly to Orlando Florida for the big event. No matter what the final time, we are all very proud of you Rose and what you have been accomplishing! The two of them were also instrumental in re-acquainting my palette with American Food... Original Hotcake House and Red Robin for monstrous omelets and mile high mud pie respectively. Carmen and I had a fun holiday spending time together and her parents Mike and Vicky were especially nice to allow me to stay in their home and feed me on occasion as well. Last but not least my best friend Jared and his wonderful parents, who have always been my second mom and dad, were nice enough to put me up for several nights while I stayed in the Portland area. Never thought the "Global Vagabond" title of my blog would be so appropriate even when I was back home, but all my friends made me feel so very welcome. To all my Oregon friends... it was great to see you all again. I missed you all very much. Thanks for making my trip back a very special one.
It was nice to be able to read your most recent postings; missed hearing from you for the past month. Keep the articles flowing as always very interesting to hear about your life in another far away land. Sounds like you had a great holiday season visiting with friends and family. BEAUTIFUL PICTURES!!!!!!!!!!!! SNOW must be fun to at least look at.
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