Thursday, May 12, 2005


Did anyone notice recently that access to the Blog was down for the past week? If you were like me, you kept getting this ominous You are not authorized to view this site message.

Some of you might have thought that I had blocked you out. And surely some of you thought that I had finally followed through on my threat to post the "really good stuff" in a password protected section on the site.

Well, rest assured that none of this was true. My trusty friend, Matt, was able to solve the issue and roll back the active archive on the blog so that we can all view my mutterings once again.

I'd love to hear from those who are reading the site or checking in on a semi-regular basis. Feel free to click on the "comments" link and post a message sometime. I will try my best to keep the technical issues to a minimum, so that we can all continue to access and hopefully enjoy this blog. Welcome back!


At 3:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yep, I am one of the folks waiting for the really good stuff to show up. Over a year now and still disappointed- T. Wood

At 6:18 PM, Blogger David Fosberg said...

T-Dog, so hard to please my friend. If I write a piece on a recent Singaporean Ping Pong Tournament then maybe that would win back your favor.

At 3:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just wanted you to know I have been viewing the blog and Portland misses you.



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